Classic Qualifications Pay-off
Classic Qualification and Pay-Off
1. All General Tournament Rules apply to the Classic.
2. Classic qualification - You must fish four out of eight tournaments or be in the top 15 in points.
3. Entry fee for Year End Classic is $130, ($100 for Payout/$20 for Big Bass/$10 for 2nd Big Bass). This is a 2-Day event scheduled for the first weekend in June. Classic fees are 100% paid back.
4. Plus $10.00 per boat during the regular season goes to the classic pay-off fund.
5. The team that fishes the classic must only include a two-person combination of the captain, partner and alternate for each day. All 3 fishermen must have paid an annual registration and fished in at least one regular season tournament for the year. No other fishermen from other teams may be combined to form a new team for the classic. If a combination of captain, partner and alternate is used the team entry fee will be an extra $50 for the third person bringing team total fee to $170 instead of $120.
6.Classic pay-off is based on the number of boats that fish the classic. If 35 boats or less fish the classic, pay-back 5 places, trophies for top 10, if more than 35 boats fish the classic, pay-back 10 places, trophies for top 10.
< 36 Boats-38%-1st place, 27.5%-2nd place,17%-3rd place,11.5%-4th place, 6%-5th place.
36 + Boats-35%-1st place, 25%-2nd place, 15%-3rd place,10%-4th place, 5%-5th place, 3%-6th place, 2.5%-7th place, 2%-8th place, 1.5%-9th place, 1%-10th place.
7. All rules will be enforced as to the interpretation of the Tournament Director. All decisions will be final upon announcement.